Beautiful Birthday Day
Today was one of those absolutely perfect Fall days, mild temperatures, crisp blue skies and no haze. It was a day that made you happy to be alive. It also being my husband’s birthday didn’t hurt it either. It was his turn to sleep in, so we didn’t leave the apartment until noon again. We have a book by Ian Littlewood called “A Literary Companion to Venice.” We were doing the walk in the chapter on Northern Venice; but, since we had just done almost exactly the same path during our first Brunetti walk, we started at SS. Apostoli. The walk wound its way down the Strada Nuova through Campo Santa Fosca and onto the Campo dei Mori. From there we continued to the Madonna dell’Orto church which we were able to go into as it was opened for fund raising purposes. Along with several other artists there are works by Tintoretto and Titian in this hidden gem of a Venetian gothic church. We then went on into the Ghetto where we stopped for lunch at a bar and found Gam-Gam restaurant. All I had to see was that they served fried artichokes and I knew we would return there for a meal! Jumping onto the 52 vaporetto, we came back through the lagoon. The air was so clear we could see the Dolomites. When we were here in 2008 we had heard this was possible, but it was the first time we really could see them so clearly. The last two pictures are out of the window of the vaporetto. The first one is a canal in Cannaregio, very close to our apartment, that was absolutely still for a few minutes this morning with amazing reflections.
By the way, we were reading a book this morning about the Biennale and it mentioned that the eggs in the Ukrainian exhibit are wood not real eggs. I am actually glad to hear that as it is totally open and I could just see a three-year-old take a flying leap into it!
Tonight we are going to Boccadora for my husband’s birthday. It is where we celebrated his 60th birthday three years ago and he has been dreaming of returning since then. I imagine that means we may have a food picture or two to show tomorrow!
Beautiful photos BJ! I am taking note of your restaurants for our upcoming trip this December.
Auguri, Alan! Buon compleanno!
Love the way you travel – starting your day out at noon is so luxurious.
And what amazing photos you have shared. Thank you, thank you!
I forgot to wish Alan a very happy birthday when I saw you both this afternoon on Strada Nuova, so Auguri e Buon Compleanno!
I agree, yesterday was an amazing day, clear and crisp, and what a glorious sunset!